Sunday, July 27, 2008

H.R. 3221 - Roll Call

The U.S. Senate was in session on Saturday voting on some very important legislation. (See My Post on the Matter) The final tally on the vote for H.R. 3221 was:

  • 72 Ayes
  • 13 Nays
  • 15 Abstentions
Both Georgia Senators Voted in-favor of this legislation. (Oh the Attacks if they dared vote No) But what caught my eye was who abstained. Both Obama and McCain abstained.

Well Obama has an excuse he was on his way home from #10 Downing Street, where he met with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

But what about McCain, where was he on this special saturday? A day of Rest and Light Campaigning Perhaps?

Senators Voting Against
Sen. John Barrasso [WY]
Sen. Thomas Coburn [OK]
Sen. Bob Corker [TN]
Sen. John Cornyn [TX]
Sen. Jim DeMint [SC]
Sen. John Ensign [NV]
Sen. Michael Enzi [WY]
Sen. Charles Grassley [IA]
Sen. Orrin Hatch [UT]
Sen. Kay Hutchison [TX]
Sen. Jon Kyl [AZ]
Sen. John Thune [SD]
Sen. David Vitter [LA]

Senators Abstaining
Sen. Thomas Carper [DE]
Sen. Thomas Harkin [IA]
Sen. Daniel Inouye [HI]
Sen. Edward Kennedy [MA]
Sen. Patty Murray [WA]
Sen. Barack Obama [IL]
Sen. Wayne Allard [CO]
Sen. Christopher Bond [MO]
Sen. Jim Bunning [KY]
Sen. Richard Burr [NC]
Sen. Elizabeth Dole [NC]
Sen. Lindsey Graham [SC]
Sen. James Inhofe [OK]
Sen. John McCain [AZ]
Sen. John Warner [VA]

Important Information for the Upcoming Week

The Georgia Sales Tax Holiday Starts Thursday (7/31) and runs through next Sunday (8/03)

Early Voting for the Run-off Starts Monday (7/28) and ends Friday (8/01)
My Run-Off Endorsements

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Saturday School

The US Senate has just passed H.R. 3221, the American Housing Rescue and Foreclosure Prevention Act in a special Saturday Session of Congress

from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi:
The centerpiece of the bill will help significant numbers of hard-working American families in danger of losing their home refinance into lower-cost government -insured mortgages they can afford to repay – at no cost to the American taxpayer. It also:
  • strengthens neighborhoods hardest hit by the foreclosure crisis by providing resources to allow cities and states to buy up and rehabilitate foreclosed properties that are currently driving down home prices, reducing state and local revenues, and destabilizing neighborhoods;
  • expands homeownership opportunities for veterans and helps returning soldiers avoid foreclosure and stay in their home;
  • provides tax breaks to spur home buying; and
  • creates a new Fund to boost the nation’s stock of affordable rental housing in both rural and urban areas for low and very low-income individuals and families.
Votes In-favor - 72
Votes Against - 13

List of Senators Votes coming soon.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Vernon Jones Needs Help

The democratic Senate Race has been reduced to name calling, at least by one candidate. Vernon Jones....who I personally believe is a closet Republican...wants your vote. Why should you give it to him? Because Jim Martin voted for John Edwards?

One Word...STUPID!

Such meaningless mess is best left out of Politics. Not to mention, at least Jim Martin was voting for a Democrat! Where are the issues. Its bad enough that Vernon Jones supports the vast majority of the Bush military & foreign policy, a big deal in the Senate, which is responsible for ratifying Treaties and appointing Cabinet Members & Generals. Personally I believe him to be another Joe Lieberman in waiting, lacking the prestige of course.

Did I mention that Jones Voted for Bush...TWICE!!

Thus, I SUPPORT JIM MARTIN FOR SENATE! and I encourage you to do the same.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Tourism vs. Fire Safety?

Not too long ago the Atlanta City Council voted to lower sales taxes and commit to administrative cuts. The result was more jobs lost and the closing of a Historic Fire Station, the West End's Fire Station #7. That was in addition to the loss of hundreds of jobs. All to get over a deficit of $140 Million.

Shirley Franklin took the heat.

Now with three members of the council running for mayor, the media buzz is that they will consider and may approve a $40 Million investment in a new Civil Rights Center.

I don't see the city affording this...I personally consider it a judgement test.

Want More Info:

Georgia GOP In Turmoil

We already know that the GOP Caucus at the state house has some....divisions. Indeed the mess of this past session was painful to watch. House Speaker Glenn Richardson's proposal to eliminate the property tax and replace it with a state sales tax ruined the session and dominated. All for us to find out that the state is short $600 Million.

Now the Speaker is going to face a challenge from within his party, apparently a high ranking committee member lost his seat after a challenger made the Speaker an issue.

More from Insider Advantage Georgia

Friday, July 11, 2008

T. Boone Pickens Energy Plan

So...when an Oil Man, a hugely successful one a that, says lets get off foreign oil...maybe it's time to do it. I have looked at T. Boone Pickens' energy plan, and it is good. According to Pickens, we can use today's technology to cut our dependence by some 300 Billion Dollars. $$$,$$$,$$$,$$$!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Race for Mayor of Atlanta 2009

So far Atlanta is shaping up to be regional all-star race. This could lead to some turnover in the City Council. Names like Council President Lisa Borders, District 1 At-Large Councilman Ceasar Mitchell, and Mary Norwood, Distict 2 also At-Large could leave the city council in need of "refreshment."

Other names in the mix, State Senator Kasim Reed, Fulton County Commissioner Rob Pitts (District 2 At-Large), and talk show host Clark Howard.

With the city in this kind of turmoil the 09 election looks to be serious, and seriously crowded.

Qualifications for Mayor of Atlanta
from Article 3, chapter 1 of the Atlanta City Charter, page 37, line 31 - page 38, line 17

SECTION 3-101.
Election; term; limitation of term.

The mayor shall be elected from the city at-large for a term of four years commencing on the first Monday in January after each regular municipal election, and he or she shall serve until his or her successor has taken office. Any mayor who has been elected for two consecutive four-year terms under the provisions of this charter shall not be eligible to be elected for the succeeding term.

SECTION 3-102.

To qualify for election as mayor, a person:
  1. Must be at least 18 years of age;
  2. Must be a resident of the city for at least one year immediately preceding the date of his or her filing of notice of candidacy to seek office;
  3. Must be a qualified elector of the city; and
  4. Must not be an employee of the city.
To hold office as mayor, a person:
  1. Must continue to possess the qualifications prescribed in Section 3-102(a); and
  2. Must not hold any other elective public office or hold any position of employment with the State of Georgia, any county thereof, or with the city.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I am officially endorsing these candidates for office. I find them to be the most capable of fighting for their districts and this state.

The of these candidates I did not vote for David Scott or Roger Bruce because I do not live in his district. It is not normally my practice to endorse anyone who I cannot personally vote for, however these are exceptional candidates, that are far better than their challengers for various reasons.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Advanced Voting Has Begun!

Across the state of Georgia people are voting. This week is advanced voting week, just take any one of the six accepted forms of I.D. to a county specified polling center, and vote. Advanced voting runs the week immediately before any election, from Monday - Friday.

For More Information Checkout

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

5th District Debate Recap & Endorsement

The race for Georgia's Fifth District will end on July 15. The Atlanta Press Club Debate, a pillar of Georgia Politics, was missing incumbent Rep. John Lewis. An interesting debate that included Rev. Markel Hutchins and State Rep. "Able" Mable Thomas asking questions to an absent John Lewis. The debate included a lot of personal points of contention, and was lacking on the policy side.

The most important thing in my opinion was this both of the candidates spoke alot about change (Hutchins) or bringing more money into Atlanta (Thomas). Both noble goals for the 5th District. However, change in Congress means a Majority in the House and a supermajority in the Senate. Obama is running for the single most powerful position, an executive position, where change is all about one person's leadership, vision and planning. Moreover, in Congress, seniority is everything so why would we give that up, when any newcomer is at the bottom of the pile with little influence on policy. Thomas believes that will change, I consider that idea pure BLIND idealism. More importantly Thomas as a state rep has more power to change and empower Atlanta at the state house, than she would in the U.S. House.

Both of these challengers have good intentions but lack perspective. Hutchins even called for term limits on every elected office, stating that 22 years is too long for someone to be effective.

My Endorsement goes to John Lewis, the incumbent. An American hero and legend, a strong leader, a good man.

Atlanta Press Club Debate Archives. (District 5 not yet posted)

Candidate Web Sites

Other Endorsements Coming Soon....

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Quick Headlines

GA Senators Isakson and Chambliss co-sponsor Gas Price Reduction Act of 2008

Gen Wesley Clark Wins CQ Politics VP Madness - Democratic Edition
GM Narrowly Beats Out Toyota

My Opinion on the News
The Republican Legislation has is a basic endorsement of Bush's new "Energy Policy." It allows the States the option of Drilling Off there own shores. Democrats Beware! This is pure politics meant only to give Republicans some Campaign Rhetoric. I would advise Democrats to Amend the bill adding a more Blue and Eco Friendly Spin, thus eliminating some Republican talking points.

GM beating out Toyota gives hope for a revitalization of Detroit. The changes will be rough and jobs will be lost in the short term, but maybe we can build a stronger Detroit that may once again give Americans jobs and great cars.


A slight mistake leads to hilarity. Enjoy