Saturday, March 28, 2009

Barnes for Senate!

I am a fan of Roy Barnes.

In his four years he managed to get more accomplished than Sonny Perdue in his eight. While Sonny has been a good governor, he would not have had that opportunity had Barnes not rubbed some groups the wrong way, mainly teachers, but also the state flag was a mess in general.

But now I don't need Roy Barnes to run for Governor. I need him to run for the U.S. Senate. No one who understands Georgia will doubt that Johnny Isakson is one of the most powerful men in the state and that is precisely why a known and respected figure must take him on. That man is Roy Barnes. Only Barnes has the clout to step into the ring with Isakson and have a chance.

I am a fan of Roy Barnes.

David Poythress for Governor. Roy Barnes for U.S. Senate.

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