Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Karen stronger than an ox?

So more evidence that Sonny Perdue is driving Handel's Campaign Bus....

I need a fact check on this video...especially the parts where she claims to have saved the tax payers $100 million in Fulton County, and that SHE masterminded Jackie Barret's demise. Also last time I checked Fulton County doesn't have a CEO, It has a chairman/chairwoman (Part-time job vs full-time CEO).

Oh, and about that budget...her original budget was going to eliminate police, fire, ambulance and park service for most of South Fulton county...

And FYI the rat on top of the state house is supposed to represent former Gov. Roy Barnes, it's from an old Sonny Perdue ad.

I'm not a Republican by any means but If I were I would vote for that Ox (John Oxendine) before I voted for her.

Republican Candidates for Governor

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