I am not your average democrat. I support peoples right to carry weapons. However, there are places where guns have no business, unless they are in the hands of law enforcement. For instance, guns don't belong in schools, parks, and high security areas. Moreover, business owners should be able to say that they don't want guns on their property.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the reasoning behind the Airport is simple, it is not safe. Airport Security should not have to worry about who has a permit and who doesn't. It should be simple. No guns period.
Contrary to the average gun control advocate, I realize that people who legally carry guns are not truly dangerous. And I also realize that criminals don't obey gun control laws, and that people are left more or less defenseless. No police force can be everywhere all the time, and people have a God given right to defend themselves. However, in areas like schools and airports security and police are in abundance, no need to carry a gun on your person here. But it must still be said that the presence of guns in the hands of untrained people is nevertheless a threat.
We as Americans have a right to carry weapons. But for safeties sake not everyone can carry them everywhere. What I want to see is Georgia law rewritten to allow guns in everywhere except schools & airports. Furthermore, any property owner or business owner can declare his/her/their property a gun free zone whither public or private. However, said owner must post a standardized sign in front of every entrance. Next, anyone wanting a gun permit must complete a safety course. And lastly no concealed weapons in vehicles.