Sunday, August 31, 2008

Quote for the Day

Today Michael Moore released a letter, which I first read on the Huffington Post. Personally I find it funny yet telling. While I do not always agree with Mr. Moore's opinions or actions, I must say that I agree with the core message of this letter, and I think you should read it.

As I Christian I believe that God is in the details. I believe that everything done in the dark must come to the light, and that come Judgement Day, your politics won't matter. All that will matter is your faith & your actions.

Good Night and God Bless

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Obama at the Convention

Monday, August 25, 2008

A Great Time To Be A Democrat

My Friends our party is on the right track. With the Obama-Biden Campaign rolling into Denver, we focused on our strengths as a Nation. Mainly our strength in diversity. We must build our party around everyday people. We saw our future First Lady as a strong and caring person.

Amazing Speeches by the Honorable Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) and Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA). Not to mention a interesting statement by former Representaive Jim Leach (R-IA).

Tonight the DNC put the nation at ease. It was a night for calm, compassion and focus on getting to know our party's leadership. And America can rest easy because these leaders are pro-America, pro-Main St., and pro-you and me.

In closing, I wish Sen. Kennedy a speedy recovery and respectable Democrats everywhere God's Speed to Victory in November.

Good Night and God Bless

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Obama's VP

Alright, I'm convinced. Their are only two people who I would want as VP if I was one of Sen. Obama's aides. Who would I like as VP? Ret. Gen. Westley Clark and Sen. Hillary Clinton.

As regards Sen. Clinton, the last several weeks have seen an easing of intense feelings on both sides. A few months ago I thought only a punk would pick Clinton, but now that we've had some time I realize that she is nevertheless a brillant person.

Gen Westley Clark is the anti-McCain. I can't say it any better than Paul Abrams did at the Huffington Post. Also see my earlier post on Clark.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Read My Lips, No Guns in the Airport

I am not your average democrat. I support peoples right to carry weapons. However, there are places where guns have no business, unless they are in the hands of law enforcement. For instance, guns don't belong in schools, parks, and high security areas. Moreover, business owners should be able to say that they don't want guns on their property.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the reasoning behind the Airport is simple, it is not safe. Airport Security should not have to worry about who has a permit and who doesn't. It should be simple. No guns period.

Contrary to the average gun control advocate, I realize that people who legally carry guns are not truly dangerous. And I also realize that criminals don't obey gun control laws, and that people are left more or less defenseless. No police force can be everywhere all the time, and people have a God given right to defend themselves. However, in areas like schools and airports security and police are in abundance, no need to carry a gun on your person here. But it must still be said that the presence of guns in the hands of untrained people is nevertheless a threat.

We as Americans have a right to carry weapons. But for safeties sake not everyone can carry them everywhere. What I want to see is Georgia law rewritten to allow guns in everywhere except schools & airports. Furthermore, any property owner or business owner can declare his/her/their property a gun free zone whither public or private. However, said owner must post a standardized sign in front of every entrance. Next, anyone wanting a gun permit must complete a safety course. And lastly no concealed weapons in vehicles.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Of War And Peace

It would seem that there is a lot going on in the world this week. The start of the Olympic Games in Beijing. As well as the start of a war between Russia and Georgia. The Olympics, in ancient times was a period of peace, where war ceased and there was fellowship among the nations. No such treaty exists now.

This situation requires all of our attention. France, Turkey and even the Bush Administration (In their own special way) are urging peace. Russia, while not the major power it once was, is still powerful. And Crucial to Regional stability, well beyond its borders. Not to mention that within Georgia lies an important Oil Pipeline. However this situation has been ongoing, as far as I can tell for decades in one form or another, it must be brought to a resolution.

I hope that cooler heads will prevail in this situation, we cannot afford instability.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What a Great Day for Georgia

As we democrats continue our quest to improve our state and our nation Georgia Dems made some great decisions today.


  • Keeping Eldrin Bell as County Commission Chair is an important step. Now I wouldn't call him perfect, but he works for the people. And is much more respectable than Lee Scott, who threatened a man after he was accused of knocking down one of his wife's Campaign Signs
  • Jewel Scott is out as DA, Its just a good look all around....see above
  • Victor Hill is out as Sheriff. Having completely trivialized Clayton County Law Enforcement and destablizing the Office of Sheriff.
    Creative Loafing
    Obi's Sister
    Fox 5
    Peach Pundit
  • While I truely belive Myron Freeman is a good man, there is no confidence in his administration. The Jail has had its ups and downs. And he has at the very least kept the Jail from getting worst. The problem again is that people lack confidence in the Fulton Co. Sheriff, and this has been the case for the last few election cycles. No confidence in the Organization, no confidence in its Leader. Good Man, Wrong Time.
  • All I can say is that the Georgia Democratic Party will not be led by a Republican Puppet. Who's the puppet you ask? Vernon Jones of course. The two time Bush and GOP supporter, not to mention Obama wannabe has been soundly defeated by Jim Martin!

This has been a Great Night for the Future of Our State