Thursday, September 4, 2008


I actually believe Sen. McCain to be an honorable man and Gov. Palin to be a genuine person.

However, I am tired of these constant lies from the RNC. I once hoped that the RNC under John McCain wouldn't be so petty. That they would bring substance to the party of Lincoln. The GOP has only proven to have as much substance as a bag of hot air. The GOP under McCain is the same as it was under George W. Bush.

The GOP convention lacked a soul. It had no heart. Maybe it was the speeches of 75% false attacks. Or maybe It was the lack of policy talk. Could it have been the Clearly coached crowd. Even the confetti was weak (The balloons however did look nice). I felt let down. I expected much more from the "maverick."

My Friends,
We MUST Elect Barack Obama President of the United States
Good Night & God Bless

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