Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tim Kaine and the license plates

The left is mad at VA Governor Tim Kaine. What are they mad at? They are mad that the Gov and DNC Chair allowed Pro-Life advocates to have a "choose life" license plate.

If Kaine were merely the governor of the Old Dominion, the move might have been less notable. Kaine—a Catholic who says he is personally opposed to abortion but pledged to leave the right to choose intact—won office in Virginia partly by seeking to reassure social conservatives.

But he is now on a national stage. And his decision could echo among women's activists who are among the most powerful financial supporters of the party.

“It is surprising that Governor Kaine would do this, but it’s all the more surprising that he would do it as chair of the DNC,” said Paulette McElwain, the president of the Virginia League for Planned Parenthood.

McElwain exchanged numerous calls with the governor’s office over the license plates and organized a grass roots effort that logged more than 2,000 calls to the governor’s staff.

“We provided him with abundant information,” she said. “We’re terribly disappointed that he decided to sign it.”

In Washington, NARAL/Pro-Choice America channeled more than 17,000 emails and 200 calls to the DNC urging Kaine to veto the bill.

“It is unfortunate that, even after receiving thousands of messages from Virginians and pro-choice activists across the country, Gov. Kaine has opted to sign a bill that advances a divisive political ideology at the expense of women’s health,” NARAL/Pro-Choice America president Nancy Keenan said in a statement.
-From Politico

It may be my own ignorance, but I didn't know that having a license plate could cause harm to anyone's health. This is a waste of resources. IT'S A LICENSE PLATE! Why waste all this energy fighting A LICENSE PLATE! Get your own license plate...not to mention what the REAL issue here is...freedom of speech.

Thanks for angering your base, Mr. Kaine, but I guess he feels like he has to attack the liberals if he wants Villager props.
- From Crooks and Liars

As a response to that quote above. If the base is angry over a license plate then I fear for the future of the party.

I need for the Left to focus on REAL issues not stupid sidebars.

[Crooks and Liars]

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