Sunday, July 27, 2008

H.R. 3221 - Roll Call

The U.S. Senate was in session on Saturday voting on some very important legislation. (See My Post on the Matter) The final tally on the vote for H.R. 3221 was:

  • 72 Ayes
  • 13 Nays
  • 15 Abstentions
Both Georgia Senators Voted in-favor of this legislation. (Oh the Attacks if they dared vote No) But what caught my eye was who abstained. Both Obama and McCain abstained.

Well Obama has an excuse he was on his way home from #10 Downing Street, where he met with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

But what about McCain, where was he on this special saturday? A day of Rest and Light Campaigning Perhaps?

Senators Voting Against
Sen. John Barrasso [WY]
Sen. Thomas Coburn [OK]
Sen. Bob Corker [TN]
Sen. John Cornyn [TX]
Sen. Jim DeMint [SC]
Sen. John Ensign [NV]
Sen. Michael Enzi [WY]
Sen. Charles Grassley [IA]
Sen. Orrin Hatch [UT]
Sen. Kay Hutchison [TX]
Sen. Jon Kyl [AZ]
Sen. John Thune [SD]
Sen. David Vitter [LA]

Senators Abstaining
Sen. Thomas Carper [DE]
Sen. Thomas Harkin [IA]
Sen. Daniel Inouye [HI]
Sen. Edward Kennedy [MA]
Sen. Patty Murray [WA]
Sen. Barack Obama [IL]
Sen. Wayne Allard [CO]
Sen. Christopher Bond [MO]
Sen. Jim Bunning [KY]
Sen. Richard Burr [NC]
Sen. Elizabeth Dole [NC]
Sen. Lindsey Graham [SC]
Sen. James Inhofe [OK]
Sen. John McCain [AZ]
Sen. John Warner [VA]

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